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Eighteen days in October : the Yom Kippur War and how it created the modern Middle East
Rithøvundur: Uri Kaufman (2023)
October 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, a conflict that shaped the modern Middle East. The War was a trauma for Israel, a dangerous superpower showdown, and, following the oil embargo, a pivotal reordering of the global economic order. The Jewish State came shockingly close to defeat. But, argues Uri Kaufman, from the perspective of a half century, the War can be seen as a pivotal victory for Israel
October 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war, a conflict that shaped the modern Middle East. The war was a trauma for Israel, a dangerous superpower showdown, and, following the oil embargo, a pivotal reordering of the global economic order. The Jewish State came shockingly close to defeat. But, argues Uri Kaufman, from the perspective of a half century, the war can be seen as a pivotal victory for Israel
October 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war, a conflict that shaped the modern Middle East. The war was a trauma for Israel, a dangerous superpower showdown, and, following the oil embargo, a pivotal reordering of the global economic order. The Jewish State came shockingly close to defeat. But, argues Uri Kaufman, from the perspective of a half century, the war can be seen as a pivotal victory for Israel
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98.22 (Israels historie. Palæstinas historie)
1. edition
viii, 386 sider, tavler
St. Martin's
alment niveauvoksenmaterialer