Málkafé - Language café
Come and practise Faroese at Málkafé / Language Café arranged by Red Cross. -
Málkafé - Language café
Come and practise Faroese at Málkafé / Language Café arranged by Red Cross. -
23 vættrar
245 tóku av avbjóðingini og gittu, hvussu nógvar vættrar vóru í kassanum. 12 luttakarar høvdu gitt rætta svarið, sum var 23 vættrar. -
Are you ready for a reading challenge?
Ert tú millum 6 og 15 ár, kanst tú luttaka í Summarbókini 2022 og vera við í lutakasti um góðar vinningar -
Børnebiffen (films for the youngest)
On Børnebiffen.dk you can find about 400 high quality short films for the youngest children -
Magazines in the children's library
The library subscribes to a selection of magazines for children. Older issues are available for loan except for Anders And. -
The results of the short film competition, and short story recitation
Who is the winner of the short film competition? -
Norðurlandahúsið: Býarmenning og fólkabókasøvn
Føroysku bókasøvnini skipa fyri pallborðskjaki undir heitinum "Býarmenning og fólkabókasøvn"